Starting Khairmax was all about giving women of all walks of life more - the access to beautifying themselves afford-ably. Boosting their confidence by changing the way they looked and felt.

We understand that not all women are born with the most luxurious long hair with the perfect shine.

At Khairmax we want women to be even more…  Starting with their hair.

We know, that a Woman can be the most beautiful in the room, dressed in exquisite clothes, in the most stunning heels and with makeup airbrushed to perfection however If her hair is not in order she will never feel as fabulous, exude as much confidence or feel more 

The infamous saying "A woman's head is her crown" illustrates this point perfectly.

The effects of a new you created with hair extensions has a wonderful ripple effect. You feel fabulous, confident, energised and sexy... 

We help women Be More and create this feeling with Luxury Hair extensions.